The best Chanukah gifts you can give yourself

This Sunday night, Jews around the world will light the first candle on their menorahs, commemorating the first night of Chanukah.

This is always one of our favorite times of the year, and not just because we get to indulge in latkes and jelly doughnuts. Chanukah is, after all, a celebration of light over darkness. When the Jews reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, they lit their menorah with a single flask of olive oil that was expected to last for only one day. Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days, and the light put forth by that menorah came to symbolize the faith and perseverance of the Jewish people.

When we share the Chanukah story, we remember the Great Miracle that occurred in the Holy Temple. This is a holiday that encourages us to believe in miracles.

As matchmakers, we meet so many singles who find it difficult to believe that they will ever find lasting love. They think it will be a miracle if that happens. When we hear this, we point out all the positives that they have going for them. With our guidance, they start believing in themselves. That’s when all the negatives that they hear in their heads (You’re too old to fall in love again. You’re not pretty enough to attract a good man. You’re too busy to think about falling in love.) all start quieting down.

As with so many other things in life, dating takes courage. Some call it a leap of faith, but when you think about it, it actually takes a lot of faith to move forward when you think the odds are stacked against you. Just like the Jews who lit that menorah knowing that they only had one day’s worth of oil, you have to believe in yourself enough to push forward. Whether you believe it or not, there is a great “match” out there for you – probably several. It’s just that you have to muster the faith and self-confidence needed to find your match.

Of course, it’s our job to help match you up, and we love doing that. But in the spirit of Chanukah, just think for a moment about other things you wish for in life. Maybe you want to change your life in some way, or even start a new career. Take us, for example. We’ve been friends for many years, and we always wanted to work together, doing something we love. We didn’t start doing that until just a few years ago, when Elegant Introductions was born. Now, we get to work together, and on top of that, we get to meet fabulous, successful singles and help them find their soulmates. We never believed that it was too late to start something new. We hope you never believe that, either.

As we once again get ready to light our menorahs, we wish you a very happy and joyous Chanukah. We hope you’ll contact us and let us give you the gift of love. And we hope you’ll always have the gift of faith in yourself. Even more than gelt (though chocolate gelt is admittedly delicious!) these are two of the most meaningful presents you could ever receive.