How to Travel Together

The summer is almost here and the thought on everyone’s mind is “vacation”! You would love to go somewhere with your sweetie, but are you ready for the changes that may come after you take that first trip together? Even if you are in a great relationship, traveling can alter the dynamics of a couple. To help you navigate through this new territory, we’ve put together some tips to help you learn how to travel together.

  1. The first thing to do is to forget the idea of a perfect trip together. By leaving your mind open to accepting whatever comes along, you will be less likely to be stressed out if your plans get slightly derailed. For example, flight connections can be missed due to inclement weather at the departure or destination…you’ll eventually get there, but you might have a whole new adventure before you do. Recognize that things happen and sometimes you just have to ‘go with the flow’.
  2. Before you embark on your vacation, be sure each of you knows exactly how the expenses will be divided. Draw up a budget and make a pact to stick to it as closely as possible.  It’s no fun to be forced into doing something you can’t afford or to be the one stuck paying for an expense you weren’t expecting.
  3. What happens if one of you wants to stay in a 5-star hotel on the trip and the other wants to backpack and camp the whole time? Discuss expectations as well as hotels, meals, entertainment, etc. so one of you isn’t surprised once you get to your destination.
  4. Keep in mind that traveling together can often make or break a relationship. Because you are in close quarters and together pretty much 24/7, you will see the best and the worst of each other. Expect this so you aren’t surprised!
  5. Communicate with each other! Harboring feelings of anger or irritation won’t help each other change things that need to be changed (this applies in life, as well!). Share your concerns; ask your sweetheart to talk about their concerns, as well. That way, you can stop any confrontations before they become a problem.
  6.  Do something special along the way! If you really want to experience something different or see a particular sight, tell each other. You can do this even if you are on a tight budget – it can be as simple as sharing a bottle of wine on the beach or taking a romantic stroll at sunset. By experiencing things the other person wants to try, you grow as a couple.
  7. Keep a sense of humor. Part of the fun of traveling together is to see new things, maybe experience a new culture, and to bond more as a couple. Laughing together connects the two of you through the memory of great times you’ve shared together. A sense of humor can also keep a vacation mishap from turning into a disaster – sort of like the saying “you laugh to keep from crying”.  In any case, humor keeps things in perspective.

For more information about finding that special love to share your life and your travels with, call Elegant Introductions in South Florida at 305-615-1900 or email us today.

Dating Communication Skills

Dating communication skills are something we recommend you have when you start out looking for “The One”. After all, great communication makes for great relationships with everyone you know. If you commit to working on your communication, you’ll see the benefits in every area of your life, from your work relationships to those with your friends and family. The end result is that you’ll enjoy your life and those around you so much more!

Our expert matchmakers offer relationship coaching to help you make the most of your relationships and dating communication skills. Call Elegant Introductions today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

What do You Want in a Relationship?

What do you want in a relationship? You should have some goals or ideas in mind before you go looking for “The One”! By knowing what you are looking for, you will be better able to know if a date is someone you should pursue a relationship with or not. For example, if you want to travel and your date just told you she won’t leave town because she’s a homebody, she’s probably not the person for you.

In order for a relationship to grow, you and your significant other have to give each other what the other person wants and needs. And, the only way to figure out what you need is to do some inner evaluating. Our life coaching and image coaching services can help! For more information, visit Nancy and Barbara at Elegant Introductions at 305-615-1900 or contact us today.

Using a Matchmaker Makes First Dates Fun!

Let’s face it, first dates can be awkward! Conversation often drags and topics can be a struggle to come up with. You can get past the uncomfortable part of dating by using a matchmaker or dating coach even before your first date.

Elegant Introductions provides coaching services and only connects you with prequalified applicants, so you will already know a lot about your date before you even meet him or her. That way, you can feel comfortable in your own skin, even on a first date! Call us 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Playing Cupid – Why Use a Matchmaker?

When we tell people what we do, often the first question they ask is “why use a matchmaker?” Our response is, why not? Matchmakers are GREAT at playing Cupid! That being said, we’ve assembled a handy list of the benefits of using matchmakers to find your true love:

1. The first benefit of signing up with an elite matchmaking service like Elegant Introductions is that we do all the “vetting” for you. This means you get to skip all of the more “traditional” (and less effective) forms of dating – like internet dating sites, asking friends to fix you up, etc. The dates actually come to you when you hire matchmakers!

2. Step past the awkward “get-to-know-you” phase of dating. Because matchmakers only connect you with prequalified applicants, you will already know a lot about your date before you even meet him or her. Don’t worry – there will still be plenty to talk about when you meet!

3. When matchmakers play Cupid, they are professionals and prescreen applicants so you don’t have to.

4. Being prescreened by a matchmaking service means your date won’t be able to get away with posting a picture of their former selves on a dating site, only to show up for your first date unrecognizable from their profile picture.

5. Your chances of finding “The One” are greater when you use a matchmaking service. So, why are online dating sites so popular? Dating sites themselves will tell you that only 1 in 5 people meet online. That means you only have a 20% chance of finding someone on a dating site! Matchmakers, however, are in the business of knowing and understanding personalities, so they can unemotionally weed out unsuitable dates and present you with the ones that are the most compatible with you.

6. Some matchmakers, such as the experts with Elegant Introductions, provide coaching services to help you put your best foot forward when it comes to dating. They offer personalized advice to help you clarify your goals and improve your self-confidence, as well as offering image guidance for developing your personal style and coaching you to become relationship ready.

So what are you waiting for? Let our proven matchmaking services start playing Cupid for you! For more information, call Elegant Introductions in South Florida at 305-615-1900 today.

Am I Relationship Ready?

Am I relationship ready? That’s a question that should be answered before you start looking for “The One”. You are ready for a relationship if you are comfortable with yourself and are not looking for someone to “save” you, but instead, to add to your life. You are ready if you have moved past your prior relationships and won’t be dragging your baggage into the new relationship. You are ready if you are willing to commit the time and work that are necessary for a fulfilling relationship.

If you are ready, we’re ready! Let Elegant Introductions get to know you and your preferences and find your perfect match. Call Nancy and Barbara today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.