The Most Important Tip for Dating After Divorce

At Elegant Introductions, we see many singles thinking about dating after divorce.

As this piece in the Huffington Post attests, there is one tip that is more important than anything else: know yourself. What your values are. What your goals are. What your relationship expectations are. If you don’t know all this, finding a soulmate is going to be much more challenging.

This is where Elegant Introductions can really help. We meet with you face-to-face. We really take the time to get to know you. We can guide you in discovering things about yourself that you might have never really thought about before.

It’s important to know yourself, but it’s not easy. Contact us and let us guide you on your journey.

What do you miss about old-school dating?

When we saw this post in the Huffington Post, we couldn’t help but laugh. It was very much a laugh of familiarity. As matchmakers, we hear this from clients all the time: dating certainly has changed, and it’s not what it used to be.

But here’s a news flash: dating has never been easy. We sure remember what it was like. There were the blind dates that mostly turned out to be horrible. Then there were the dates who didn’t quite turn out to be as great as we thought they would.

Whether you’re used to the old school or new school of dating, we understand your frustrations. That’s why we work closely with you to find out about your history, your values, and what you expect to find in a partner. We are “old school” in one very important way. We carefully vet all our clients. Before you even meet your first date, you will get a true sense of who he is. We know that many singles miss that very much, and we’re bringing that kind of dating back.

Contact us today to find out more. And click here to find out what Huffington Post readers miss most about old-school dating. Do you agree? Tell us what you miss about old-school dating by commenting below. We would love to hear from you.

The most important thing about dating as a single parent

For so many people, just the thought of dating can bring on anxiety. But if you’re a single parent, there are so many other questions going through your mind. As a matchmaker, I hear them all the time from clients who want to date, but who are, first and foremost, parents concerned about how their children will react if mom or dad starts dating.

In today’s Huffington Post,  comic Laura Lifshitz has a fantastic post on this subject. For her, the key is always keeping the bar high. She would love to find a mate, but she will never settle for someone who ranks far below her expectations. This, she believes, is one of the best examples she can set for her daughter. After all, if Laura sets the bar low, what’s to stop her daughter from doing the same thing when she grows up?

At Elegant Introductions, we pride ourselves with setting the bar high for all our clients. It’s never about just “settling.” It’s about taking the time to really get to know all our clients, and to make matches that meet, or even exceed, expectations.

If you’re a single parent who’s thinking about getting back into the dating scene, contact us today. Our goal is to match you with a single who will click not only with you, but with your kids as well. You would never want your kids to “just settle” when it comes to relationships. Why should you?


To read Laura’s post, click here.


What single women want their married friends to know

As a matchmaker, I have the privilege of getting to know many single women. I love hearing about their lives, their hopes, and their dreams for the future.

That’s why I was fascinated by this Huffington Post article by Hélène Tragos Stelian, 8 Things Single Women Want Their Married Friends to Know. Hélène, who is married, talked to many of her single girlfriends who are 50+, and asked them what it’s like to be single at this age: the ups, the downs, and in particular, the misconceptions that many of their married friends and family have about them.

Not surprisingly, there are many misconceptions. Of course, as a matchmaker, I was particularly attracted to Number 4 on this list: Just because I’m single and 50 doesn’t mean I’m desperate and will date anyone. Boy, do I hear about this from my clients, regardless of their age or their gender!

According to the article, most women don’t mind being set up by their friends. But they do mind it when the bar is set very low. Too often, their friend’s only criteria for romantic bliss is that the guy is also single. That’s it. So what if he doesn’t have social skills? Or if he isn’t very bright? One woman interviewed here says her friend actually told her to “dumb her herself down” so that she wouldn’t “scare off” the guy with her intellect!

Stories like this are a big reason why, if you’re single, and serious about wanting a relationship, it’s often more effective to come to us at Elegant Introductions than it is to rely on your friends. For one thing, we pride ourselves with setting the bar high for our clients. Our criteria runs much deeper than just being single. To us, a person’s goals, accomplishments, values, and their willingness to commit to a long-lasting relationship, matter just as much. All our clients are great “catches.”

Also, we would never tell you to “dumb yourself down” for your date. It’s our job to find just the right match for you. We do everything we can to make sure that you are comfortable being yourself on your dates. We also follow up with you after your date. We do this not only to find out how things went, but also to guide you and help you focus on your relationship goals. Above all, we celebrate you for who you already are—a single, successful in your life and in your community, who wants to share your life with another single whose goals and values match yours. To find out more, just contact us. We will arrange a convenient time for a face-to-face meeting, where we can get to know you and show you what we can do for you.

To read the entire list of what single women want their married friends to know, click here. If you’re single, you’ll probably relate to at least some of these — if not all of these.
