Red Flag – Is She A Player (Or Maybe He Is)?

Is he stringing you along? Is she a player? Sometimes people send up red flags that are too subtle to see until it’s too late. For instance, if you ask to use his cell to make a phone call, does he suddenly come up with reasons why you can’t (so you can’t see who he’s been calling and texting)? She might be playing you if you ask her out but she is vague about committing to a date (for example: she always has a last minute change of plans or she always says she might have to work late that day, or that she’ll get back to you before accepting a date). If your gut is telling you there is something a little “off” about this person, you need to trust your instinct. All too often, we excuse the behavior of others and end up getting hurt.

At Elegant Introductions, we “vet” our matches before you meet so you’ll know you’re getting the real deal! To learn more about Elegant Introductions, call Barbara and Nancy today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Sarcasm And What Men Wish Women Knew About It

Ever wonder what men wish women knew? A huge pet peeve is sarcasm – men hate sarcasm when it references them! No one likes jokes that are made at their expense and, even though he may be laughing along with everyone else, deep down inside he’s not happy to be the subject of teasing. No one would! Like everyone, when a joke is made at their expense, men shut down. Women: know the difference between being funny and being insulting and don’t point out his flaws to others, even in a joking way.

Our successful elite matchmaking services will connect you with your true love! To learn more, visit Nancy and Barbara at, call us at 305-615-1900, or contact us today.

New Year, New Relationships

We’ve reached the end of the holiday season and now is a great time to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. Maybe you are hoping to find new love and new relationships this coming year? If so, you can start off on a positive note by making some resolutions.

The first one we suggest is to just enjoy the ride. By this, we mean that you should resolve to focus on having fun during next year’s dates and let go of your expectations that “this person” could be your Prince or Princess Charming. After all, if you spend most of the date trying to picture a future together or wondering how he or she will fit in with your plans, you’ll miss the joy of meeting someone new and learning about them. By letting go and letting things happen without pushing them along, you’ll stop stressing and open yourself up to the happiness of the moment. Relaxing can be a gift to yourself and often is enough to allow relationship magic to happen.

That being said, searching for love any time of the year can be difficult. We can simplify the process with our elite matchmaking services! For more information, call Nancy and Barbara at 305-615-1900 or contact us today to learn more.

Is He a Player?

Are you seeing someone new and starting to feel like you are being manipulated? It always seems like he’s making little “errors” when he talks to you – he forgets certain details or doesn’t ever really call you by name (it’s always “Honey” or some other pet name). Maybe she makes you feel like she wants a relationship, but when you try to take it to the next level, she backs off.  Does he flirt with almost every woman who walks by when you’re out or keep in touch with his ex? Does she say “maybe” when you talk about your next date or when you’ll hear from her again? These are not the signs of someone who is interested in a relationship – they are indicators of someone who is interested in “working” the romance to get the most out of it before moving on to greener pastures. To decide “is he a player?”, pay attention to the red flags!

Don’t settle for less than the best. With Elegant Introduction’s elite matchmaking services, we will find the most compatible match for you right from the start! For more information, visit Nancy and Barbara at Elegant Introductions at 305-615-1900 or contact us today.