You’ve probably heard this modern-day definition of insanity – doing the same things over and over, yet somehow expecting different results. Many singles have this same mindset when it comes to dating. The good news is that you can change this way of thinking.

It’s certainly true that the older we get, the more set in our ways we get. In the right context, these patterns and habits are very positive. They help us define our values, our desires, and our priorities. But if we rely on them too much, there’s a danger in becoming rigid. You become so set in your life and your ways that, when you do start dating, it can become difficult to have a healthy, communicative relationship with your partner.

This is especially true if you’ve recently been through a divorce or a break-up. It’s easy to say it was the other person’s fault. In most cases, though, it was a shared responsibility. If it takes two to make a relationship, it also takes two to break a relationship.

The best way to avoid dating insanity – using the same patterns on different people – is to take the time to look inside yourself to find out what worked (and what didn’t) in your recent relationship.

How do you do that? Well, if you’ll pardon the shameless promo here, you can contact us at Elegant Introductions. We are dating and relationship experts, and one of our major advantages is that, before we even set you up on a date, we really get to know you. This includes going over past relationships. We can help you discover things you might be doing that – even if they felt right at the time – could be blind spots or stumbling blocks to securing a new, happy and sustainable relationship. Maybe you’ve been too trusting. Or too demanding. Or too over-protective. You get the picture.

This is not about making you feel bad about yourself; it’s about taking a good look at yourself, and focusing on how you can do better the next time. We all have imperfections – and we all bring them with us when we enter relationships. Too often, it’s the failure to address them that drives a couple apart.

To change your patterns, you must be willing to look deep inside yourself and be open to new ways of thinking. Change isn’t easy, especially as we get older. But it is so worth the effort. Positive change brings about a renewed sense of self-confidence, and when you start dating again, this is something that future partners will notice and appreciate.

Read: 5 Easy Ways To Avoid Stress On A First Date

By saying good-bye to old, destructive relationship patterns, you say hello to self-discovery, self-love, and new romantic possibilities. This is how healthy relationships start – and how they last.


If you currently have a dating life that is insanity, are in South Florida, and are looking to start working with Elegant Introduction’s award-winning matchmakers, please contact us by filling out the form below.


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