A Day In The Life Of Matchmaking For A Billionaire

It would seem matchmaking for a billionaire would come easily. That’s what we thought here at Elegant Introductions when we got our first billionaire client.

However, we were soon to realize that the more money one possesses, the less of a few other things were available.

That’s when we went to work for our client. See, what most don’t understand are the unique challenges billionaires possess when looking for love.

Little to no time.

Imagine how busy your schedule is. Now imagine what it is like when you are jetting from country to country for business or pleasure, taking meetings to accommodate different time zones, and making sure everyone from your family to your staff has everything they need. Where’s the time for you in that equation? That was one of the challenges we faced while we were looking for matches for our billionaire client. His time with us was limited and we had to make sure the person with whom he was matched was aware and understanding of his time constraints also.

Loving them for more than their money.

As harsh as this sounds, vetting women for a billionaire requires making sure they are not told the clients identity and making sure their financial status is not the focal point.  Very few human beings want to be a walking ATM machine for their mate. We all want someone who at the end (and beginning) of the day loves us for who we are. Making the match about the money instead of the person’s kind heart, giving spirit, sense of humor, empathy and compassion among other traits really sells them short.


Most billionaires pay a lot of good people a lot of good money to keep their names out of the tabloids. At Elegant Introductions, we were tasked with doing the same. Finding a match for a billionaire who could date without drawing attention to the status of our client was imperative and we are so happy we could find the one.


With little time and the need for the utmost privacy, it is hard to really “get to” a billionaire especially for those romantic meetings and phone calls that happen at the start of a good relationship. No matter how close in location you are to this person, it would seem that dating a billionaire is akin to having a long distance relationship. We know. It felt that way when we were meeting about making a match. However, as we got more time and information we were assured that the billionaire – even with the lack of accessibility – still had the priority for romance.

Blind – blind dates.

Loose lips sink ships and in this case we didn’t want to capsize the Love Boat. When matching a billionaire it was important not to let on too early in the matching process who our client was – to any potential date. Luckily when you have been in business for as long as we have at Elegant Introductions, our clients trust our instincts. And they found love was worth the mysterious wait.

It was exciting matching our billionaire client with someone they could trust with all of the challenges set before them. As we vetted the billionaire it was a little like we were in the dating process. However, we were ready. We’ve matched several unique clients and it is our patience and understanding for real life – and adding love to that real life – that makes Elegant Introductions’ matchmakers the right “match” for our billionaire clients.

5 Things Wealthy Men Bring On A Date Besides Their Wallet

Wealthy men dating often have a mystique. Women want to date them for the fun they think they can provide by whipping out their credit cards. And sadly, wealthy men may often think dating prospects are after that thrill.  However, when dating, everyone wants to find someone who loves you for you. How do you do that? Show ‘em who you really are:

  1. Your funny bone: If you are the type who loves to laugh, let that show! In fact, when you get your date laughing they are much more inclined to reveal their true intentions. That’s right. Experts have linked laughter to a desire for the laugher to disclose more personal information. So if you want her to learn more about you and you want to know more about her, make her laugh.
  2. Your tenacity: What’s your life story? Building and maintaining wealth takes some long-term vision and planning. You determined the goal and held the course. Share your story with your lovely date shows her you will work through problems and when the goal (or relationship) is worth it, you know how to stick it out through the good and the bad.
  3. Your love of…: Animals, causes, sports, evenings out… The list of the things wealthy men dating love is extensive. Your date wants to an insiderer‘s view of what makes you tick when you aren’t taking over the world. Seeing what someone loves through their eyes gives us a unique sense of connection. A true life partner would love that your love of making money isn’t the only thing filling your days; and she’ll most likely want to join the list.
  4. Your family values: Most people reserve meeting the family until later in the relationship, and that makes sense. But you should consider opening up about how you feel about your relatives and family dynamics early into your relationship. Why? Women have an appreciation for men who have a healthy relationship with their kin folk. Is your family dynamic a little trickier? That can be divulged as well. Make sure, though, that if things aren’t good with your family, you discuss ways you’ve resolved the issues. Honesty in these situations can be tricky, but it shows how much you value your loved ones. It also lets your date know the priority you place on anyone who comes into your inner circle. Women love a man who has a strong respect for maintaining and repairing his relationships.
  5. Your extracurricular interests: What wealthy men do during their downtime says a lot about them. Are you interested in physical activities? Do you enjoy lounging at home? Is hanging with your friends preferred over a good book? No matter how wealthy you are, you are going to have to spend time with your dates and your significant others. Make sure she knows how you spend your days so that she can envision herself cheering you on from the sidelines or taking a long, morning run with you. Your extracurricular activities can be the road map to the success of a future date plan so let her know what you like to do.

Read also: Why Texting While Dating Isn’t Just Rude, But Might Be Messing Up Your Chances For Romance

Wealthy men, you are much more important than what is in your wallet. Showing your potential mate these five qualities during your initial dating phase will definitely impress. Spend your time letting her know who you are and what you are truly worth and you will spend less time with your matchmaker and more time enjoying your matches.

It’s A Lovely City! Here’s Why A Miami Dating Service Is Better Than Tinder or Bumble For Finding Love

Online dating is no longer a shameful thing you need to hide from friends and family — they’re probably doing it too. In fact, 49.7 million single Americans have done it.

In 2019, online dating makes sense. It’s a more efficient way to get to know your next potential partner. Gone are the days of meeting people in real life, only to discover later that you have incompatible politics or future plans.

Unfortunately, however, many dating platforms seem to be geared toward hooking up. That’s where this Miami dating service comes in.

If you’re interested in a more sophisticated online dating experience, read on!

Who Dates Online?

Considering that over 49 million Americans use online dating services, it’s accurate to say there is plenty of fish in the digital sea. There are at least a few somebodies for everyone.

Dating applications and services usually have more men than women — typically 60% and 40%, respectively. This makes the odds for women finding a partner very favorable. 

Is It Safe?

Despite what sensational news headlines would have you believe, online dating is safe if it’s done right. With an online dating service, you’re in the hands of professionals, ensuring that your safety is kept.

One thing that online dating services like Elegant Introductions do (that applications do not) is vet every single match. These potential matches are screened and hand chosen to fit your unique wants and needs. 

Paid vs. Free

Free services are ideal for someone on a strict budget who is only looking for short-lived hookups. Anyone with even a little expendable income is better served with a paid online dating service.

Those who pay for dating services are essentially more accountable for their actions on that dating service. Usually, people don’t intend to just throw their money away. This means they’ll take their commitment to the service — and to finding the right partner — more seriously. 

What to Expect

Online dating services offer clients a more personalized and stress-free experience than free applications. You can expect your matchmaker to cater to your wants and needs. 

First, this will involve meeting will your matchmaker to identify important aspects of your personality. This includes your likes, dislikes, and other preferences. 

Then, your matchmaker will search for the values and features you seek in a partner. This can include anything from appearance to communication styles.

Finally, once you have a match, you can discuss details with your matchmaker as you plan to meet the next potential love of your life. Your matchmaker can plan everything for you to help you relax.

Afterwards, you can discuss the experience with your matchmaker and tune things for next time if necessary.

Our Miami Dating Service

Using a Miami dating service will likely result in a completely different experience to what you’ll find on Tinder or Bumble. You will have access to licensed professionals who have the expertise needed to find a suitable partner. 

Although dating online requires technology, it still includes many of the essentials of dating in real life. Most clients want a potential partner with a decent career, good social skills, and other personality traits that can enrich a relationship.

When seeking your next life partner, don’t hesitate to ask Elegant Introductions for a little help. 

Here’s Why You Need A Miami Matchmaker To Help You Meet The Right One

If you live in Miami, you likely have an opinion on the dating scene. 

Maybe you’ve found a lot of great dates, but haven’t quite found the one. Perhaps you find the scene intimidating and need another option. 

Regardless of where you find yourself, hiring a Miami matchmaker is the best way to find love. 

Make no mistake about it — a professional matchmaker is the best way to find the right fit so that you can ride off into the sunset with the soul mate you deserve.

Read below to learn more about why finding a matchmaker is an excellent idea. 

A Miami Matchmaker Finds You Options Without You Having to Lift a Finger

Having an elite matchmaker by your side is golden when you’re determined to find love. 

These professionals go in depth with their work, so they can find you date candidates. The beauty of it all is that after working with the matchmaker initially, you just have to sit back and allow the results to pile in. 

This is far better than the never-ending cycle that seems to come with online dating. 

They Get to Know Your Preferences to Find the Best Matches

When you hire a matchmaker, you’re getting someone that will work hard to match you with someone that is a great fit for what you’re looking for. This prevents you from wasting your time with dead-end dates. 

Be forewarned that hiring a matchmaker isn’t a surface level thing — the research might get a little personal at times. Some matchmakers issue a sex personality test to make sure they find people who are compatible in the bedroom. 

This research is for the best since it will help you find the person that completes you. 

You Often Get Solid Coaching to Go With It

It’s not just about finding a few options — many matchmakers will coach you through the dating scene as a whole. 

This service can be invaluable so that you can make sound decisions as you play the field and narrow down your options. Having a matchmaker that has your back takes the fear out of dating. 

This Service Is Valuable If You’re Busy or New to the Area

Trying to date in an area you just moved to can be scary for anyone. Likewise, who has time to hunt down the perfect date when you’re stretched thin with work?

Matchmakers bridge that gap and help you make better use of your time while expanding your horizons. 

Your matchmaker can also set you up with some great date ideas, which is especially important if you’re new to the city and don’t know which Miami attractions you’d like to check out. 

Reach Out to a Professional Matchmaker

Your dating life will be transformed when you hire a professional Miami matchmaker. These pros will work for you no matter what dating goals you have. 

Whether you’re looking for a summer romance or a soul mate to spend the rest of your life with, get in touch with us to learn more about our services. 

Your Best Heart Healthy Diet is to Live Life with an Open Heart

Heart healthy diets usually include superfoods.

Here are the “super ingredients” for a healthy love life. Whether you’re searching for or involved in a loving relationship you should have the same comfortable feeling as when you’re walking in your favorite slippers. A word of caution, what looks good on paper isn’t always what’s best for you, so check out the energy when you’re together.

Ease in a relationship is critical. None of us wants to feel judged or self conscious about our every move. After all who among us hasn’t said something wrong, or gained a few pounds while on a summer vacation?
Most people are looking for their date, at least at the outset, to be fun, easy going, nonjudgmental, flexible, playful, silly and forgiving. The golden rule is applicable here, treat others the way you want to be treated.

At the beginning of a relationship, don’t put pressure on yourself or your date to determine if this is the “one”. Be realistic with your acceptable standards, so you don’t miss out on someone great. Give your date a chance, people are often nervous on a first date. Take things slowly and enjoy the moment. Ask questions and listen, you know everything you need to know about you, find out about him/her. Try to reserve judgment about your date and let it take its natural course. Don’t generalize one behavior and assume it’s the whole person.

Express gratitude for the time together. The feminine is receptive and the masculine is active. He will pursue you if interested and she will respond to you if she is. So watch the behaviors beyond the words.

As the relationship develops, you’ll begin to feel more open. There is no set time table for opening one’s heart in a relationship because an open heart generally leads one to feeling vulnerable. Pay close attention to cues about reciprocal interest and look at nonverbal behaviors, frequency of calls, future plans, meeting family members, etc. We advise our clients to look beyond the surface after several dates. A few questions to think about before you totally let your guard down. What does your gut tell you? Are there red flags you’re trying to ignore? Are you repeating old patterns? Trust is an essential factor. Does he/she generally follow through on plans, honor commitments to you and others? What is the quality of their relationships to others? Do their actions follow their words?

One of the greatest challenges our clients face is how do you know when you’re at the physical intimacy stage. Listen to yourself on this one. Don’t be pressured into going further than you’re ready to go emotionally. If your date isn’t willing to wait…that tells you something important. We have found relationships change once there’s physical intimacy. They get deeper or they fall apart. If you’re looking for that open hearted healthy connection, we suggest you take this step slowly. When you’re ready to be emotionally naked, the physical will follow. You just can’t jump start and rush into a deep connection. The rules change once you have physical intimacy. When you do, we have seen the microscope come out with concerns, worries, anxieties, like: why didn’t he call the next day, why didn’t she answer? I don’t know if I really like him/her anymore etc.

When these super ingredients for a healthy love life: timing, trust, ease, joy, verbal/nonverbal communication and intimacy, come together, you’re heart will open and you’ll find yourself in a loving heart healthy relationship.

Always open to your questions and feedback.

With love,

Dr. Nancy Gold & Barbara Black Goldfarb
Cofounders of Elegant Introductions

Summer Romance… will it last?

Is it real or just a summer fling?

Summer fling

So you have fallen for someone wonderful at a friend’s party in the Hamptons a few weeks ago. With the carefree days of summer and relaxed attitudes your guard is down, you’re more open and available. In fact your new interest is so different from your “typical”. What to make of it? Is it real or just a summer fling?

So, you dive in, the water is warm and you’re having a summer romance.
Oh no, what now? Will it last beyond the summer?
Do I want it to? Do they want it to? Is it real?

Just a few thoughts:
To start, let’s dig a little deeper to get to know each other in a meaningful way. Like what you ask? What do they care about? What do they love to do? What is family life for them? What makes them happy? What’s their political ideology and core values. How does alll of this fit with you? Is it physical? Is it companionship? Is it an emotional connection? Do they challenge you and stimulate you intellectually?

It’s important not to overlook red flags. We often turn a blind eye to red flags thinking, “it’s is not such a big deal” or”why am I being so picky”? Or: this is such fun why should I look so deeply?

Pay close attention to communication changes: Frequency of calls, texts, response time, time together, these are vital signals to let you know if the romance fizzling out or working well for either of you. Has the way of connecting changed recently? Has interest waned? Or peaked? Ask yourself, “Am I getting what I want and need?”

Next be realistic in your expectIons. While you may be ready and willing to embrace your new romance, it may be more realistic to take it slow without too many demands. Enjoy the moment and be optimistic with some realism mixed in.

One good indicator if the relationship will continue is if you are talking about any future plans together. Have you talked about holidays? Future trips? Goals? Family meetings? Ideas for future travel, what places do they dream of visiting? Dream away together, it’s fun and bonding to fantasize your future time together.

Maybe spend a weekend together and see how you do in “real life” as a couple. The easiest way to go beyond the summer glow is to enjoy some real time together for a few days. Making decisions together, where to go, what to do, with whom, when, etc. This gives you a good idea of how you work as a team.

Finally take time for yourself and stay grounded. Keep a positive attitude. Happy is infectious. Keep yourself involved in what helps you stay happy, healthy and grounded. Exercise, read, relax, visit friends, etc. Sometimes diving into a relationship head first leaves us ungrounded and confused. Chemistry can burn out leaving one feel empty and lonely.

The bottom line is to dig a little deeper, pay attention to details beyond the fun and frolic of summer. Only time will tell if your summer romance will grow into true companionship and a real connection or a time-limited wonderful experience.

In the meantime, enjoy your summer!


Dr. Nancy Gold and Barbara Black Goldfarb – Professional Matchmaker
Visit us at jelegantintroductions.com or call 1.305.615.1900

This article originally appeared in our weekly column on EastHampton.com

Swimming With The Sharks? Time To Get Out of The Water

Dating Direction from The Relationship Experts at Elegant Introductions

Swimming with the sharks in dating

It might be an exaggeration to say that most singles are SHARKS, but the unfortunate truth is that there are a lot of them swimming around in the dating pool. So what to do?

First and foremost, know who you are dating. Don’t just assume that because you met someone through a friend that everything is ok. Do your homework. Check out Google, Linkedin and even a background check might be in order for a second or third date. (If you are using a matchmaker make sure that the date is properly vetted). We also suggest that you meet your first date in a neutral location. Do not let him/her pick you up.

It’s possible that you may not recognize a shark when you see one. After all, even sharks are on their best behavior when they come in for the bait. Our suggestion is to take things slowly and to try to avoid falling into old patterns that can lead you into the “Shark Danger Zone”.

But having said all this, dating can be fun, exciting and satisfying if you learn how, where, and with whom to swim…. There is a big ocean out there….Go for it and enjoy….

Dr. Nancy Gold and Barbara Black Goldfarb
Cofounders of Elegant Introductions

Visit us at jelegantintroductions.com or call 1.305.615.1900

This article originally appeared in our weekly column on EastHampton.com.


Riding the Wave to Romance

Tips & Tools For Relationship Success From The Pros, Elegant Introductions Matchmakers, Dr. Nancy Gold and Barbara Black Goldfarb.

Doesn’t it sound idyllic to spend days in love? And weekends out East with a special someone enjoying leisurely afternoons exploring Hamptons’ vineyards, galleries, beaches, and then watching the sun go down together at “the end of the world” aka Montauk?

Thinking romance is out of reach? It doesn’t have to be. Don’t feel like you’re stranded on shore this Summer, ride the wave to dating success with matchmakers Dr. Nancy Gold and Barbara Black Goldfarb who founded Elegant Introductions an elite matchmaking service and relationship consulting firm after becoming fed up with the unsuccessful rates of set-up dates and online dating apps.

On a search to find true romantics, Elegant Introductions is about personally matching couples, hand-choosing each date to make sure that compatibility is at a maximum, aligning personality, communication style, values, emotional availability, and physical appearance. With an excellent success ratio to base her insights and advice on, Dr. Nancy Gold has joined easthampton.com to help you find the relationship you’re looking for – and even improve the one you’ve got.

Q: Why did you found Elegant Introductions?

No doubt about it, it is a struggle to find quality men and women, no matter what your age is. Online dating and apps, the main ways singles meet one another today are disappointing. After a while, everyone gets tired of asking friends and family for blind dates. The “do you know anyone single?” question just becomes depressing.

We launched EI to help our clients meet high caliber, educated, successful individuals, in a dignified elegant way. We coach our clients so that they can understand how to date successfully; our feedback loop helps our clients avoid anxiety or uncertainty after the date. Everyone gives us feedback which we share respectfully with both parties This is very positive as it leads to clarity, and an opportunity to grow.

Q: How do you coach a client who is sticking to conventional wisdom and having a hard time connecting?

Men and women get stuck. Habits, ways of thinking, feeling, and acting, these are hard to change. What’s my recommendation? Get out of your comfort zone! That is a great first step. Don’t let your past be your future. Evolve. Move forward. Love yourself then you can love others. Bring confidence and joy into the dating zone.

Q: What is your way of setting people at ease who come for help?

Respect, humor, and unconditional positive regard, that’s what we offer every client. You could call us an objective best friend. Trying your best but finding dating success elusive? Sometimes we just need someone to shine a light on our blind spot. The logistics of dating may not be easy to navigate but we are there to make the experience as “wrinkle-free” as possible.

Q: Are people clear about their relationship goals and needs?

People often believe they are clear about their needs but they get confused with their wants. Wants are generally superficial, based on what society tells us. You could say they are Madison Avenue-driven. Our needs are more basic; they reflect what true happiness is based on. Our relationship to you should feel like a comfortable pair of shoes. Think of us as a best friend, who is loyal and has your back.

Q: Is there one approach you suggest to help potential partners clarify what they are striving for?

The most important thing is to be open to change, new ideas and excitement to start a new adventure into love.

Q: With many of your clients opting to Summer in the Hamptons, what are your tips for successful dating on the East End?

No matter whether the Hamptons are near or far to home base, take the attitude: You never know where you will find love. Vacation spots lend themselves to relaxed interaction but don’t walk into every party out East thinking Ms. or Mr. Right is going to be there. Meet. Greet. Enjoy everyone for who they are: Be open to change and stay flexible.

Q: Tell us the key steps to help people achieve realistic expectations?

Getting realistic expectations about dating starts with understanding what your strengths and your limitations are. Don’t undervalue yourself. But don’t be inflexible either. Believe that you are someone people would want to date and consider all the things you bring to the table. Just be who you are. But also consider who is looking for you? Think about how many women/men fit the criteria you may think is the perfect match.

Generally, people bring their old outdated list of “wants” when they come to us in search of a potential partner. Our role is to help them look at what really brings them joy…e.g. is height that important for love to blossom, etc.

Finding joy in an existing relationship is something we can help with too. Feeling like you are off track with the one you love? We can offer help to get you re-connected.

Q: Getting people “un-stuck” – what moves men and women beyond their past when they are stuck?

It’s important to look at life with a new set of glasses…Think about how you have changed since your last relationship. New situations are not the same as ones in the past. It’s important to resolve the past in order to have a successful relationship in the future.

Q. The #Me too Movement has heightened the awareness of singles at work. Does this impact dating and other work relationships?

Many more people are coming to us for matchmaking and coaching due to the current climate in the workplace. #MeToo has made executives reticent if not reluctant to ask out coworkers, business associates, clients, etc. Men and women are much more aware of appropriate behavior now. But there’s still a need for coaching; people do ask us for clarification and we are here to help.

Q. Everyone is looking for acceptance and appreciation. How do you help your clients get this response?

The way our clients communicate with us as matchmakers reflects how they communicate with others. We help the client explore patterns of communication that may be getting in the way of having a successful relationship. There are some simple techniques we use to improve listening skills because being a good listener is vital to a good relationship.

Q. When you are on a date and things are said that are surprising, not comfortable, and even personal, what to do?

Taking things personally and having your buttons pushed means it is time to get to a good place in looking at yourself. Feeling offended is usually triggered by something internal that bothers us about ourselves. Looking at the mirror inside us is a good opportunity to grow.

Q. What to do when a new potential partner cannot stop talking about his Ex?

Discussing past loves is not a great way to encourage building a path forward. For several months, it’s best to not discuss and stay away from past relationships. You know everything about you, so ask lots of questions to find out about your date. Just say let’s not talk about that now, I want to hear about you. Let’s leave broken hearts for another time.

Q. First dates bring nerves. What is your recommendation to overcome nervousness when meeting a new match?

Bring your best self to the date….Try deep breathing then center yourself. Smile, everyone is nervous (You are not the only one!). Help the other person feel comfortable. But realize it’s just a date. Date to date not to mate. The more you judge yourself, the more you judge others. Let you be you. What are your best qualities? What do you bring to the table that is wonderful? Remember it’s how you make someone feel that makes them want to see you again or not.

Q. We all seek unconditional love. How do we find it and accept it?

Unconditional love starts with loving yourself. It’s acceptance, respect, appreciation, caring for the other’s wellbeing.


This article appears in our weekly column on EastHampton.com

Elite Matchmaker Nancy Gold

Meet the Matchmakers!

Getting to know Nancy Gold

Elite Matchmaker Nancy Gold

How Nancy Gold went from PhD to Elite Matchmaker

Nancy Gold is the kind of elite matchmaker who makes other concierge services look like OKCupid. She has over 25 years of counseling experience. She is a licensed psychologist trained at the University of Miami and Harvard.  She’s been an incredibly successful PhD Clinical Psychologist, relationship coach and consultant. She has a doctorate in Neuropsychology. Shall we go on?

The point is, Nancy understands how a relationship works inside and out. Literally, she understands what’s happening inside your brain as you fall in love, as well as the relationship patterns played outbetween our former flames and ourselves. Her vantage point and extensive education give her a unique perspective. In turn, they’ve inspired her personalized and unparalleled matchmaking technique.

Lucky for you we convinced her to share with us some of her top tricks to get her elite clients relationship ready.

Get rid of your List

Most clients come to Nancy with a long list of ‘wants’ for their imagined future partner. The first thing she’ll point out is that “that list is outdated.” Because this list is based on the baggage of past relationships.  It’s time to tackle those losses and disappointments head on so you can move on. Narrow down your list to your trueneeds.

Pick up on your Patterns

Getting the relationship you deserve always starts with you. That means really digging into your dating history with honesty. Do you have patterns of behavior in relationships? Are you drawn to partners who treat you a certain way? The first step to separating your real romantic instincts from old habits is recognizing them.

Give Chemistry more than a First Glance

Chemistry might seem like a love-at-first-sight, uncontrollable reaction. But it’s actually a combination of multiple physiological and psychological factors. There’s picking up on pheromones and other biological indicators of compatibility. There’s auditory stimuli that triggers an intellectual connection beyond the visual. And then there’s the comfort of trust and intimacy. Give your brain and body time to digest all of that sensory input before deciding how strong the attraction is. After all, your own nerves and adrenal can distract your brain from interpreting all this new information.

Own your own Timing

Everyone says true love is all about the timing. But did you know you can take some control of your own timing by doing your psychology homework? Nancy has noticed in her years of relationship coaching that there can be hidden sensitive spots of resistance to love in even the most mature of individuals. Be brave and find where you’re holding back. The One could walk right into your life and you wouldn’t be ready for love yet if you don’t face your fears.

Get a First Date play-by-play from an elite Matchmaker

Not sure if you’ve got game? In life, we neverget an objective review of our dating behaviors. Unless you have a matchmaker on your side. You may know the message you want to send, have identified your true relationship needs, and be ready for the real deal… but none of that matters if you’re not sending that message clearly to your date. A good matchmaker takes the time to know your personalitythoroughly. An elite matchmaker uses that information to help you improve your dating game.

Long story short, Nancy’s education and training may make her a master of the human mind. But her experience helping people find their inner strength and center, as a first step to finding true love, has made her a master of the human heart.

Getting to know Barbara Black Goldfarb

Meet the Matchmakers!

Getting to know Barbara Black Goldfarb

Have you ever wondered how a modern Jewish matchmaker makes a living? We’ll give you a hint: it’s a winding journey through several influential careers. Traditionally, matchmaking is a mitzvah, a good deed and a duty. But in today’s day and age, we expect jobs to be more time card punching and less passion. So a gifted matchmaker like Barbara Black Goldfarb had to find her way to her life’s calling by building a career that put community first …

… by being a Leader.

Barbara has been a community leader, an industry leader, a philanthropic leader, and now she leads individuals to love. She has been Chairwoman of the Board for Miami Jewish Federation and has sat on the Board of Directors of countless organizations—including Mt. Sinai Hospital and Johns Hopkins University. Not only could she care for, influence, and support the community through this work, but it put her in the room with the best and brightest in town.  Meaning she…

… had the best “little black book” in town!

With Barbara’s warmth and sense of humor, it was only a matter of time before she became the person-to-know in all these circles!  She naturally built personal connections with all of these influential and impressive industry leaders. Her time with these men and women taught her two things:

  1. Professionals are working longer hours than ever with less time to socialize
  2. “Do you know somebody to fix me up with?” was still the timeless question

She knew the need was there, but now she had the elite network to do something to help.

She’s trained to think big picture

What do a master’s degree in Health Services from the London School of Economics and matchmaking have in common? They both require you to think big picture. Barbara was trained to manage and improve business systems to help and heal people. Sounds an awful lot like running a boutique matchmaking business, doesn’t it?

Maybe she’s born with it …

… and maybe it’s destiny! All who meet Barbara say the same thing: she has a natural charisma and a unique human intuition.That’s akin to having the ‘it’ factor in the matchmaking world!  The most important trait your matchmaker should have is that uncanny ability to bring soul mates together. You either have it or you don’t. And if our testimonials are anything to go by, Barbara has it.

Long story short, that’s how a highly educated medical professional made one of the best matchmakers southern Florida has seen in a long time! And you’ll get that same personability and intuition that attracted an elite network of clients to Barbara when you sign up for the highly personalized care Elegant Introductions offers. Matchmaking is far from dead! It’s just reinventing itself in the modern world.