Dating Stress? Focus on Fun

On a date and feeling stress? Remember, first of all, that it’s “just” a date! Focus on having fun and getting to know the person you are with, but keep in mind that dating is a process and a chance to learn and grow when connecting to another person. That’s the great thing about dating – the whole point is to enjoy yourself and learn a little bit about the person you are with. If you don’t make a connection, you can move on and explore other potential mates.

The matchmakers at Elegant Introductions personally screen and “vet” your matches so you spend more time connecting and less time experiencing dating stress. Call Nancy and Barbara today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Step Parenting: Creating a Blended Family

You’ve found the love of your life and are getting married – great! But, if one or both of you have children from a prior marriage or relationship, it can be challenging to combine families. Since statistics show that second marriages have a higher chance of ending in divorce, it is best if you sit down together before your nuptials and talk about each other’s expectations for both the marriage and the kids. That way, you can work out differences before they come up because the last place you want to do this is when you are in the middle of a problem and are arguing and under stress.

8 Tips to a Healthy Blended Family

The marriages that are most successful at step parenting and creating a blended family have several things in common:

  1. They spent time before the marriage discussing ways to create a bond between the children and the new spouse. Although it will take time for a bond to form, by intentionally nurturing one, the connection will form more quickly.
  2. They discussed ways to meet the emotional needs of themselves and the children. They also set up strategies to keep the channels of communication open and reliable between themselves as a couple and also between themselves and the children.
  3. They discussed parenting styles and came to agreements that suit each other’s style of interacting with the children. They also made each biological parent the main rules enforcer for their own children and established the new spouse in the role of “guider” or “friend” instead of disciplinarian.
  4. The couple decided on the house rules for the children and always present a united front to the kids so one spouse isn’t stuck in the middle during a conflict. If there are issues to resolve between the parents in regard to the kids, it should always be done in private. Additionally, if the children are older, they should also get to weigh in on the new house rules.
  5. They discussed ways to keep the romance alive as a couple. A newly blended family takes up a lot of “couple time”, so you need to create a standing date night or make it a point to find activities to do together (just the two of you).
  6. They talked with their extended families about how to deal with their former spouse and in-laws. You might be amicable with your ex and your family may love them, but your new partner may be uncomfortable seeing him or her at family gatherings or on holidays. By discussing where and when the ex might be present at a function and setting boundaries with your family, you cut down on the chances for conflict. The in-laws/family need to understand that, at least for a while, the ex-spouse shouldn’t be present when the new family is attending an occasion with the in-laws.
  7. They discussed ways to give the children their own personal space in the new home. When blending families, territory can be a big source of conflict, especially if new children are moving into a home that is already occupied by other children of the new family.
  8. They sat down with the children and reassured them that they were not expected to stop loving their other biological parent, however they do need to show respect to the new step parent. Additionally, they were sure to share with them any changes in the parenting/visitation schedule (the kids need to be respected, too).

Keep in mind that, while you are combining families, these people aren’t really blending: they are forming an entirely new family unit. The kids will always have a loyalty to the parent that is not part of the new household and, if you both have children, the kids will see each other as components of the “other” family that came before. However, with time, patience, and nurturing, combined families can come together to form a great, new family that has strong bonds and a sense of unity.

We Can Help!

It is both rewarding and perplexing to become a blended family! We offer life coaching services to help you understand and meet the challenges of combining a new relationship with a family from a prior one. For more information, call Barbara and Nancy at Elegant Introductions in South Florida at 305-615-1900 or contact us today.

Blended Family? Respect the Differences!

It isn’t easy to blend a new couple’s children from a prior marriage or relationship into a cohesive family unit, especially if you go into the “blending” with a goal of trying to duplicate the family you had before. Instead, respect the differences in your new family members and honor your step-children’s individual stages of acceptance of the relationship. In other words, don’t try to force yourself into every aspect of their lives in an attempt to win them over. Be respectful of each family member and treat them compassionately. Keep in mind that, while you are head over heels in love, the children probably don’t share those feelings – yet. It will take time for them to adapt to their new roles and new positions within the family unit. As you all interact with each other, you’ll grow closer and become a successfully blended family.

Blending your lives and those of your children’s together is often difficult, but it can be done successfully! Our life coaching services can help you understand how to create a new family that fulfills everyone’s needs. For more information, visit Nancy and Barbara at Elegant Introductions at 305-615-1900 or contact us today.

Family Patterns: Are You “Dating” Your Family?

Have you ever thought about how your family patterns can affect your love life? Strange to think about, but if you look at your past relationships, you often can see a pattern emerging and it generally ties back to the family dynamics you experienced as a child. Maybe your mother was super-neat, and you find that your sweetie’s clutter drives you nuts. Or, maybe your family wasn’t very close when you were a child, so if you date someone who is very involved with their family, you get uncomfortable when surrounded by all that intimacy.

These ingrained family patterns can be changed so that you can become part of a healthy couple and Elegant Introductions can help. Our relationship and life coaching services are available to help you learn to recognize relationship patterns and improve communication skills. Call Elegant Introductions today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

In Romance, Be True to Yourself!

Are you settling for less in a relationship? You might be if you find that you are giving up things that are important to you (such as life goals) or you are changing your values for the sake of keeping conflict out of the picture. A relationship should complete you – you shouldn’t have to change your fundamental “self” in order to make it the right “fit” for you. You owe it to yourself to be true to yourself!

Elegant Introductions offers life coaching services to help you get the best out of a romantic relationship.  Call us today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Stop Settling for Less in Love!

Are you seeing someone who is hyper-critical of you? Maybe you constantly hear that you don’t spend enough time with him or her, or that you should dress differently, or that you need to change just about everything that makes “you” you in order to keep them happy. Whatever it is, know that too much criticism can take away your own self-esteem. A relationship should fulfill you, not tear you down. If you are constantly under pressure to change who you are, you are not in a healthy relationship. Stop settling for less in love!

It’s time to find a romance that gives you both joy in being together. Our life coaching services can help you understand what you want and need from a relationship! For more information, visit Nancy and Barbara at Elegant Introductions at 305-615-1900 or contact us today.

Family Dynamics and Dating

Do you find that you are repeating certain patterns in your dating life and relationships? Look no further than your own family dynamics to see why. Often, we subconsciously look for a mate who can help us resolve issues from our past. For example, if you experienced rejection in your childhood, you may look for a mate who will make you feel the same way your parents made you feel. In a romantic partner, we choose people who are “familiar” and in whom things seems “natural” to us. But, once we spend some time with a person, we can fall into negative relationship patterns that are often repeated over and over in every person we date.

Elegant Introductions offers life coaching services that can help you break these patterns so you can make healthier relationship choices. After that, our expert matchmaking services can help you find The Right One for you! Call us 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Settling For Less? Relationships Take Compromise!

If you are constantly backing away from what you need when interacting with your sweetheart (in other words, you are putting their needs before yours because it’s “just easier” to avoid the conflict you would have to go through in order to get what you want), you are probably settling for less in a relationship! Relationships take compromise from both sides and this give and take should be roughly equal from both people when you look at the Big Picture of the romance.

Many people are so afraid of being alone that they will change who they are in order to stay in an less than fulfilling relationship, but you can learn how to break those patterns! Elegant Introductions offers life coaching services so you can make healthier relationship choices. For more information, call Nancy and Barbara at Elegant Introductions today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

How Does Body Language Affect Relationships?

Most of us don’t spend much time wondering, “how does body language affect relationships?” We just go through our day-to-day lives interacting with other people but never really considering if what we are saying is really what we are “telling” others.

We use non-verbal cues to express ourselves between 60% and 80% of the time and you may be sending messages to your romantic sweetheart that you aren’t intending to send. Could you be conveying a sense of submissiveness or unknowingly telling your loved one that you could care less about what they are saying? Regrettably, people often send confusing or negative nonverbal signals without even realizing it. When this happens, trust with the recipient can be damaged.

If you find that you aren’t able to have solid personal and professional relationships, our life coaching services can help you understand what is influencing you and help you change negative patterns. To learn more, call Barbara and Nancy at Elegant Introductions today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Are You Settling for Less in a Relationship?

Are you rationalizing your relationship? Do you continue dating someone even though you are pretty sure there is someone better out there for you? Or maybe it’s the reverse and you’re seeing someone who is less than perfect for you, but you are afraid you won’t find anyone better? These are all signs that you may be settling for less in a relationship.

Don’t get us wrong – no one will meet 100% of your romantic expectations, but you should be with someone who makes you feel better for having them in your life even as you accept their shortcomings and they accept yours. A good relationship should leave you fulfilled and happy. When you’re settling for less in a relationship, the problems and the inadequacies you see in your partner don’t go away and often get worse over time.

Signs That You Are Settling for Less in a Relationship
  1. “It’s not the best, but it’s not the worst”. When you say that to yourself, you know you are unhappy, but you convince yourself that you are OK with a lackluster future.
  2. You are changing who you are for the sake of the relationship. When we say this, we’re talking about revamping your values or giving up your dreams in order to make the romance work.
  3. You find that you are the one who is giving in or giving up the majority of the time. Relationships take compromise from both sides – if you continuously put your needs on the back burner, you are probably settling for less in a relationship.
  4. The person you are with is hyper-critical of you – maybe your clothes aren’t right or you don’t pay enough attention to them – there could be any number of things that aren’t right in their eyes. If you find that you are constantly under a microscope, you need to move on before you lose your self-esteem.
  5. The relationship is comfortable, but you have a nagging feeling that something is lacking. Sometimes a person can look great on paper, but not be the right one for you. A relationship should fulfill you, not make you feel like you are still missing a piece of the puzzle.
  6. You hang onto the relationship because you are hoping your partner will change – someday. But, what if “someday” never comes?
Why Do People “Settle”?

In romance, as well as in life, people often settle for something that isn’t exactly what they are looking for because of fear. In the case of romance, fear of being alone can be a powerful reason to put up with less than what we want or need from a sweetheart. We are wired for social and physical connection with others and most people don’t like change, so it is often just easier and less scary to “go along” and stay in a romance that is familiar to us. However, you deserve to be in a loving, happy relationship! It takes courage to end a romance that isn’t meeting your needs, but you’ll be better for taking that step and freeing yourself to find the person who completes you. You are worth the effort!

Don’t settle for less in a relationship! We offer life coaching services to help you understand what you want and need from a romance. Let us use that information to help you meet the matches that mean something. For more information, call Elegant Introductions in South Florida at 305-615-1900 or contact us today.