Dating and Family Interaction

Have you ever noticed how you feel when you interact with your family? Are you supported in the things you do, the jobs you hold, or the career choices you’ve made? Or are you criticized? What other patterns define your relationship with your family? It’s important to understand family interaction patterns because they can affect not only your day-to-day life, but can also extend into your dating life and your relationships. Maybe your father was emotionally unavailable or your mother was domineering. Chances are that unless you work on these subconscious influences, you’ll be hampered in your ability to find a good romantic partner.

The matchmakers at Elegant Introductions offer life coaching services that can help you sort out what your family interaction has to do with your dating life. Call Nancy and Barbara today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Discover How to Keep Mystery in a Relationship

Want to learn how to keep mystery in a relationship? Turn off the TV, stop talking about work problems, and focus solely on your partner once a day. Be considerate of your sweetheart and surprise them with little gifts or a quick “I’m thinking of you” text. Do something different together – take a cooking class, try a different kind of food or restaurant than you normally go to, try each other’s hobbies (you try golf and he tries yoga!). In short, think back to the things you did when your romance was brand new and you were learning about each other. It’s the effort you make that keeps romance alive, plus you’ll get quality time together!

Elegant Introductions can help you find that special romance through our life coaching services.  Call us today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Are Your Eyes Open to Relationship Red Flags?

Starry-eyed in a new romance? Just be careful if you spot any relationship red flags! Sometimes, we are so happy to be in love that we can overlook warning signs.

An example applies to a single friend who began dating a man from her gym. He was preparing to compete in a bodybuilding contest, so she expected that there would be things she might have to give up at first, until he got through the challenges of getting ready for the contest. It turns out that he was so engrossed in himself and getting into competitive shape that all of their dates were solely focused on him (could he eat here or would it blow his diet? Could he risk inuring himself if they did that activity?). Through the few weeks they dated, he never bothered to find out much about her, so she broke it off with him. Happily, she saw the red flag flapping in the breeze and got out before investing too much time in the relationship.

Are you ready for romance? Elegant Introductions can help! Let us search through our extensive network of pre-screened and pre-qualified, successful and attractive singles to find the perfect match for you. Call Elegant Introductions today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Trust This Relationship Red Flag!

If you are in a new relationship and find that your sweetheart is constantly putting former loves down or that past breakups are always the other person’s fault (not theirs!), it’s a relationship red flag! If you pay attention, you’ll probably find that most everything that goes wrong in this person’s life is someone else’s fault. This is a sign of not taking responsibility for behavior, and you can count on being the one who will always be at fault in this relationship.

Haven’t met the Right One yet? Elegant Introductions can help you figure out exactly what you want in a relationship! For more information, call Nancy and Barbara at Elegant Introductions today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Are You Seeing Relationship Red Flags?

Relationship red flags are there for a reason! Even though we might want to overlook things, especially in a romantic relationship, when warning bells go off in your head, pay attention to them. Is he hypercritical of you? Is she constantly talking badly about her ex? Or, maybe your newfound love has one topic of conversation – themselves? Save yourself some heartache and be sure you thoroughly examine them if you see warning signs in your current relationship!

If you keep spotting red flags in your relationships, talk to the expert matchmakers at Elegant Introductions. They take the time to learn about your personality, relationship patterns and desires, so when a match “clicks” for them, they know it’s “the one” for YOU to meet. Call Barbara and Nancy today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Learn How to Keep Mystery in a Relationship

Sadly, sometimes in a long-term relationship, we realize one day that we’ve gotten too comfortable and the romance is gone. You can change that by learning how to keep mystery in a relationship!

  • Be romantic: leave a love note where your honey will see it, surprise them with flowers or a romantic dinner, send them a text telling them you are thinking about them. Little gestures can go a long way towards keeping the romance exciting!
  • Set aside a date night to reconnect: day-to-day life often takes over and it can be seen as more of a chore to go out, but scheduling dates with your significant other gives you both something to look forward to and can provide a romantic spark.
  • Make an effort with your appearance: there is an old song that talks about putting on your makeup because he’ll soon be home. Sure, it’s sexist, but it’s also true (for both of you!) – if you both let yourselves go, it sends a subtle signal that your partner isn’t really “worth” the time to make yourself look decent for them.

Our relationship coaching services can help you learn more about how to keep mystery in a relationship! Call Barbara and Nancy at Elegant Introductions today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

10 Relationship Red Flags

You’ve found romance and are head over heels in love – that’s great! But, the elite matchmakers are Elegant Introductions remind you to keep your head about you. In other words, don’t be so starry eyed that you are blinded to potential relationship red flags.

Don’t get us wrong, every relationship has its little bumps in the road, especially when you are first getting to know someone and figuring out how to communicate with each other. But, sometimes there are warning signs in a relationship that need to be examined, and, if you spot some of the relationship red flags on our list, you owe it to yourself to address them before you invest too much time in the relationship.

10 Relationship Red Flags
  1. Why did their last relationship end? What do they have to say about their past relationships? If the breakups are always the “other person’s fault”, that’s a huge warning sign!
  2. How fast are they pushing the relationship? Pacing is everything! Telling you they’ve fallen fast and hard for you or asking for a commitment too quickly can leave you flattered and breathless, but it can also be a warning sign of an unhealthy relationship. For example, maybe they are pushing too fast because they just want someone (anyone!) in their life to avoid being alone.
  3. Personality conflicts? You can’t change someone, so don’t try to make them fit into your idea of romance. If you are constantly butting heads or they are doing things you tell yourself you can “fix”, that’s a big red flag!
  4. You catch the person you are dating in a lie. Even if it’s just a little lie, lying to each other is not the way to build the trust a relationship needs to succeed.
  5. Your new sweetheart is critical of much (or everything) about you. If they aren’t happy with you in the “honeymoon phase” of a relationship, how much more critical will they be when the glow of new love has worn off?
  6. Your honey is a generally negative person. Everyone has bad days, but when you constantly have to reassure them or spend a lot of time trying to turn negatives into positives, it gets tiresome! And, as we pointed out in #5, when the glow wears off, how much more of a Negative Nelly or Ned will they be?
  7. You new love just got out of a relationship. People need time to recover from a broken romance and you don’t want to be the rebound love that spends each date consoling them! Additionally, you don’t want to become emotionally invested in a person who just may end up going back to their ex.
  8. You are never invited to their place and/or haven’t met any of their friends or family members. Or, they won’t commit to anything until the last minute. What are they hiding?
  9. He expects you to split the check…on your first date!
  10.  Your new love is financially irresponsible. Be wary of romantic partners who try to borrow money or can’t keep up with their bills. If they can’t handle their money now, what will things be like if the relationship proceeds and you end up married or living together? You could end up investing way more into the romance than you expected.

We “vet” your dates and screen for relationship red flags ahead of time, so you only meet the matches that mean something! For more information, call Elegant Introductions in South Florida at 305-615-1900 or contact us today.

Often, a Kiss Says it All

In a romantic relationship, often a kiss says it all!  We’re not talking so much about “kissing style” here, but more about the general approach to the kiss. Does he hold your head when he kisses you? He’s protective! Does your sweetheart have a hard time getting lost in your kiss? He or she is probably emotionally unavailable or commitment-phobic. Is his good-bye kiss a peck on the cheek or the lips? He’s definitely thinking less romantically toward you than you might hope and is probably not The One. But, that being said, consider what your love’s kiss says when combined with other aspects of the relationship. If he or she treats you well, is respectful, makes you happy, and you click in other aspects of the romance, remember that the art of great kissing can be taught or learned!

Still looking for The One? The matchmakers at Elegant Introductions take the time to get to know you before they even start thinking of potential matches. That way, they know they’ll find someone who will “click” with you! Call Nancy and Barbara today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

List What You Want in a Relationship

Do you really know what you want in a relationship? Most people don’t and they end up dating the “same person” over and over again. Think about it like this – if you don’t know what you want, how will you ever find it?

We often put more energy into making up our grocery list or drawing up a list of errands that need to be run. Why not do the same for the qualities and traits you want to have in a romantic relationship? Even though you might feel like making a list takes the fun out of romance, you will find that narrowing down your ideas makes it much easier to focus on what you want and need from The One.

  • Write out your thoughts on what comprises your perfect relationship – this can be anything, even if you think it is impossible to find in a mate.
  • Think about traits and characteristics – values, lifestyle, career, etc.
  • Compare your list to your previous relationships to gain insight on where they fell short of your wants and desires. By knowing yourself and what you want from a romantic partner, you’ll be better equipped to recognize if you are dating someone who fulfills your needs or whether you are wasting time by trying to mold them into a good fit.

Our elite matchmakers take the time to get to know you and your desires and preferences, so they’ll know exactly what you want in a relationship! For more information, call Nancy and Barbara at Elegant Introductions today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Do Something Special When You Travel Together

When you travel together, do something really special along the way! After you two decide on a destination and work out the details of budget, how to divide expenses, and address the trip goals and expectations, do some research on the area you’ll visit. What is the region famous for? Is there a special event that will be happening when you are there? Maybe the place is well known for a certain cuisine or type of wine. You can indulge in a something special even on a tight budget – it can be as simple as sharing a picnic along the banks of a river or sipping wine with each other at sunset.

Haven’t met the Right One yet? Elegant Introductions can help you figure out exactly what you want in a relationship! For more information, call Nancy and Barbara at Elegant Introductions today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.