Famous Jewish couples: Jessica and Jerry Seinfeld

May is Jewish American Heritage Month, a time to honor the tremendous contributions that Jewish people have made in this country for hundreds of years. As elite matchmakers in Miami and Boston, we’re all about coupling. That’s why, to celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month, we’re profiling several Jewish couples throughout May. First up: Jessica and Jerry Seinfeld.

Who they are: Jerry needs no introduction to anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock. He was already a first-rate stand-up comedian when he created and starred in Seinfeld, one of the most popular and influential sitcoms of all time. Jessica is a best-selling cookbook author (she often posts her favorite Jewish foods on Instagram) and is the founder of Baby Buggy, a charity that helps new parents to get the supplies needed to raise healthy children.

How long they’ve been together: 17 years

Where they met: a Reebok Sports Club

How long they’ve been married: 16 years

Their relationship, in their own words: Of, course, being a comic, Jerry tells stories about his wife in his act. Here he is on Oprah, talking about his “marital voices”.

Jessica tends to be more private about her personal life. However, in a Vogue magazine interview, she said “I met Jerry at the end of what was the most difficult period of my life. I had just made a painful decision to dissolve a five-year relationship that began when I was 21 and culminated in a brief marriage. Jerry was neither the cause nor the effect of the breakup, but his friendship gave me strength and resilience at a time of desperate need, and it has formed the basis for my happiness in the years that have followed.”

What singles can learn from the Seinfelds: There are several things. First, there’s the fact that they met at a sports club. It’s no secret that sports clubs have long been considered healthy alternatives to bars and nightlife for singles interested in meeting potential partners. But, while it’s certainly healthy to concentrate on yourself and your fitness goals, you have to go up and talk to people you don’t know. This must have been difficult for both Jerry and Jessica. Comics like Jerry tend to be notoriously shy when they’re not on stage. Jessica faced more challenges. She was going through a difficult time in her life—and there she was, meeting one of the most famous men in the world! Still, they pushed through these barriers, and the rest, as they say, is history.

As funny as the video is, it also shows that being together for a long time means learning to accept the “little things” that can sometimes drive you crazy. Every Jewish single we know wants to find someone with a sense of humor. But a healthy sense of humor goes deeper than just laughter; it involves laughing at the “little things” (like nagging voices)—and the ability to laugh at yourself.

Also, while also raising three children, the Seinfelds are supportive of each other’s goals, and give each other the space to pursue them.

With Jessica and Jerry, we see a couple that knows how to truly be open and accepting of one another. Instead of being, in Seinfeld terms, bad breaker-uppers, they have what it takes to stay together. If you’re single and looking to find your soulmate, these tips are much more than yada, yada, yada. They are the foundations of just about any successful relationship.

If you’re among the Jewish singles in Miami, or the Jewish singles in Boston, and you’re looking for that special Jewish soulmate, we’re here to help. To learn more about Elegant Introductions, call Barbara and Nancy today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.


Change is good for relationships—and for Elegant Introductions!

You’re not the same person you were when I first met you.

As matchmakers, we often hear this line. But here’s the thing: everyone grows and changes. It happens for many reasons, including parenthood, a new career opportunity, or sometimes just growing older and wiser. Yet, when it comes to their partners, many people forget this.

It’s especially smart to think about this when you start dating. Sure, it’s magical when that “first spark” ignites. Yet, for that spark to become a lasting flame, it’s important to realize that your partner will change. The more you expect and embrace change, the stronger your relationship will be.

This also holds true in business. Since launching Elegant Introductions in Miami one year ago, we’ve been astounded by the tremendous response. Already, we’ve helped more than 100 Miami singles on their journey to find lasting relationships. We’ve learned as much from our clients as we hope they have from us. Now, we’re taking what we’ve learned, and making some exciting changes of our own. You’re looking at one of them right now. Our website is completely redesigned with a fresh, contemporary look that reflects our mission to create exciting, fun, and meaningful connections for singles.

paul-revere-bostonWe’re also excited about another big change: we’re expanding into Boston! It’s a logical next step for us. We both have strong New England roots, and we know there are many singles there who want a personalized dating service like ours to help them find the right partner. If you know someone in Boston (as well as in Brookline or Newton) who is and single, please have them contact us.

We may be growing and changing, but we promise our existing clients the same level of commitment and personal attention they’ve come to expect from us. See, we’re not the same as we were when we first met you; we’re even better!

Whether you’re looking for your soulmate in Miami or in Boston, we’re here to help you. To learn more about Elegant Introductions, call Barbara and Nancy today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.